Thursday, November 7, 2013


n. The persistent inability to conceive a child.

As I sit here and write my feelings down, my sweet husband is making dinner because it has been one of "those" days.  I know that many of you reading have had similar experiences.  I write this not to receive pity, but I write to express my feelings and to reach out.  Dallin and I have recently started the process of infertility, or trying to conceive a child.  It has been one of the most heart-wrenching experiences I have had to endure.  Some of you may be thinking, "they just got married, what's the rush?" or "oh, but they are still so young!"  Some may even be thinking, "don't worry, you will have kids."  And to the latter statement, I hope and pray that we will be given that blessing.  

Our story:
Dallin and I decided that we would wait until the spring after we got married to start "trying" to have kids.  Little did I know how hard it is to get those little ones here!  Once we were married, I had a paradigm shift and I wanted to start trying to get pregnant.  So, every month I would wait to see if my period would arrive.  It never failed always would arrive.  Right.on.time.  I was never put out by it (although, to have blood dripping from us? Not pretty!) but I would get a little bummed.

This past winter I began to "really try."  You know, tracking your cycle, watching your temperature and fluids. Figuring out when you ovulate and getting to know your body better than you have ever known it before.  I was really stressed with work, trying to get Dallin done with school and trying to conceive.  Stress=infertility, right? Yeah, I decided I needed to take a break.  We went to Disneyland together and it was A-MA-ZING! It was like a 2nd honeymoon.  Dallin had just graduated and I was able to take time off of work and it came at the perfect time.  While in California I thought that I was pregnant!  It was crazy exciting!  My period was 3 days late. I took the pregnancy test at the hotel and negative result came screaming back to me.

Through the summer of 2013 Dallin continued to urge me to go see the Dr. I don't know if I was being stubborn or if I just didn't want to face it all.  I knew that it would begin a long process, and that process has begun.  Towards the end of the summer, and after a year of trying to conceive I went to the Women's Clinic.  The Dr. has been helpful. The waits have been long. And I will never cease to desire to be pregnant and give birth to our children.

A couple of weeks ago, Dallin gave me a beautiful blessing.  He encouraged me to begin a journal of my feelings regarding this process of infertility.  I had been debating about starting a blog for our little family anyway, and now here I am.  I hope that as we take this walk and continue this journey I will continue to have faith and that I will find peace in the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

I realize that we are SO early on in this journey, but it is a journey none-the-less, and it is our journey. 

“On this upward and sometimes hazardous journey, each of us meets our share of daily challenges. If we are not careful, as we peer through the narrow lens of self-interest, we may feel that life is bringing us more than our fair share of trials--that somehow others seem to be getting off more lightly.

But the tests of life are tailored for our own best interests, and all will face the burdens best suited to their own mortal experience. In the end we will realize that God is merciful as well as just and that all the rules are fair. We can be reassured that our challenges will be the ones we needed, and conquering them will bring blessings we could have received in no other way.”

― Jeffrey R. HollandCreated for Greater Things


  1. Michelle, this is Stephanie, your old roommie! I'm really happy that you have a blog. Good luck on your journey. It took us a year for our second child, and I was bummed at that. (I know, I should be grateful we have one) but I can't imagine what you're going through, but I think you're great and I look forward to your posts. Love ya!

  2. Hugs... Thanks for sharing tbe last quote. Perfect timing for me to read.

  3. Infertility. Once it enters your life it NEVER goes away. Which is okay. You will learn to love it. Well, you will learn to love the empathy that you will gain for others because of infertility. That is the biggest blessing that has come to my life because of it. That, and being able to enjoy my really bad pregnancies and I think I have a greater appreciation for my kids. All of our kids are IVF. I hope you don't have to go down that road, but if you do, it's pretty much my favorite thing in the world to walk people through it and just let them text me a million times a day because it is soooo helpful to do that. I would also suggest It is an awesome forum and helped me so much through my last two cycles. I didn't know about it the first time I did in vitro and I don't even know how I survived that one. It was my only failed cycle and nearly killed me off. (not literally, just emotionally) But even now with three kids age three and under, infertility still haunts me. I still hope for that "oops I'm pregnant" miracle every month, and my heart aches for myself and any others who have struggled to conceive. Being a member of the Gospel and especially an endowed member makes it even harder. You will get through!! Please send me a message on Facebook if you have any questions or just want to vent. And if you ever end up down the IVF road, please contact me!!!!

    1. Stephanie! There are SO many reasons why I needed to meet you, way back when in the MTC. You have been there for me in countless ways! Love you!

  4. I love you so! I am so happy that you have started this blog. I know that it will be very therapeutic for you. I have said it many times before but, I am sorry that you have to go down this road my dear friend. I wish more than anything I could know the right words to say to you to help you through. Know that Stockton, Aaron, and I are all here for you and Dallin. Please use our shoulders to cry on!

  5. I am looking forward to your entries. Of anyone I know there is no one more faith filled than you. I remember some of our chats we had when you were single and looking. I remember when you first started on line dating and shortly after you found Dallin. I know that we are all given certain challenges but I know with faith we can learn what we need to from them and He does have a plan for us. My prayers are with you. And I'm reading.

  6. Sometimes in nature we are taught the lesson of patience. We may want things a long time before they come, which makes them all the more precious when they do. I know this to be true.

  7. Michelle, I'm so sorry you and your husband are going through this. My husband and I have been dealing with infertility for almost 4 years now. It's hard and it hurts. It helps to talk to others who are and have dealt with infertility. That is what has helped me the most. For a while I was upset with myself and wondered why Heavenly Father would put me through this much pain. I let myself down in my sorrows and self pity. I found myself in a dark place. The thing that brought me out of that depression, out of that place was relying on the spirit, praying, reading my scriptures and patriarchal blessing, as well as going to the temple. I realized that the Lord has his own timing and reasons for why we go through these trials. This trial has allowed me more time with just my husband. Our relationship is so much stronger and loving than ever. I would love to share with you the things I've learned about all the different fertility treatments I've gone through. Also if you'd ever like to vent about your frustrations to me you can. I'll never forget how kind send living you were to me when I was going through some issues with my roommates. The advice you gave me, I treasure! You were also an awesome ward missionary companion! I learned so much from you and your example you set for me.

  8. Michelle! We love you guys beyond words can express. I loved your quote you posted. Thanks for sharing your life with us. We pray for you so often and know that day will come. What a hard journey, but you have such a great outlook on life!

  9. I feel for you! My husband and I struggled with infertility before our little miracle finally came. Know that I'm thinking of you both! (Btw, I'm a friend of Dallin's from high school and junior high--we were in choir together, and I'm in your Aunt Margaret's ward in Texas.) :)

  10. Sweet Daughter~ I wish I could make it all better and bring those little babies here so much. I LOVE the thought you posted and just knew it was from Elder Holland before I could even see his name. You and Dallin are so amazing and so loved. Know that Dad and I are here for you anytime and we love you so much! Forever, Mom
