Saturday, November 30, 2013

My Kindness Shall Not Depart From Thee

Naturally, I have had a lot of "gratitude" fill my heart and my mind.  Mostly things like my sweet husband who is so patient with me, my wonderful family, great friends and people who let us know that they care.  I am also so thankful and indebted to our loving Heavenly Father and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Last night, Dallin and I watched the end of Ephraim's Rescue with my parents.  I have seen it before but it touched me in a way that it has never before touched me.  Of course, the past few weeks (ok...months) have been a roller coaster of emotions, up and down and all around.  I heard this song during the credits of the movie and I could not help but let some tears roll down my face.  I know that the Lord is truly watching over me and Dallin.  Sometimes it is hard to remember that and to put my trust in the timing he has planned for us, but I do have a testimony that His kindness and tender mercies will always be available to us.

I hope this song and video will touch your heart and help you also remember that the Lord has a plan for each of us...even when I sometimes forget that.

1 comment :

  1. I have looked a couple of times and didn't see where you had posted again. This is beautiful and I have a whole new understanding of the words. Thanks for sharing this! I love you!
